No more sorrow for Tony Jacklin or his wife, Astrid Waagen who you will be able to see live and dancing at Strictly Come Dancing season 11.
Tony Jacklin has been married twice and has six children. His first wife, Vivien from Belfast, died abruptly, aged 44 in 1988. Jacklin has spoken explicitly about the destruction this loss wreaked on his life. Six weeks after her loss a short affair with a 16-year-old waitress made front-page news. He married again, to Norwegian Astrid Waagen, who he lives with in his home in Florida. In December 1988, Jacklin married his second wife, Astrid Waagen, a Nordic woman.
Still, flowers bloom in the most horrible places. One day he dropped by a Sotogrande neighbor’s residence and met a Norwegian prettiness, Astrid Waagen, 37.

He said,
I knew right then I wanted to marry her
Four months later, in December 1988, they were married. As predictable, his mother gave the cheerful couple her blessing.
He’s flipped his lid
Mom said.
But during a British Open in Troon, Jacklin’s luck returned to form. Astrid began having contractions, which wouldn’t have been so terrible if it hadn’t been four months too soon.
Not unusual
she said that day.
All my babies did this.
But when the contractions got worse. Next day, they needed to get to London, fast, to see Astrid’s doctor. A couple of days later, Astrid had miscarried…
But no more tears, see them happy on the dance show!